Helmie-Art on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/helmie-art/art/Request-Hypnosis-658882634Helmie-Art

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Helmie-Art's avatar

Request - Hypnosis



Request for :iconstarvagrant:
His OC Golden Lily hypnotized by Zecora.

My first full color + background piece, yay! No particular style here, just testing digital :P
I'm happy I could do this as a request.

As a digital newbie: FEEDBACK PLEASE! I'M DESPERATE! Here is my short screenshot progress: LINK

-----------------------For Supportive Viewers--------------------------
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Requests are free but you can donate a few points on my profile
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Thankies :3
Image size
1884x1511px 983.71 KB
© 2017 - 2024 Helmie-Art
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greyhuskey1940's avatar

i figure zecora wants to either get a new assistant, or help this poor mare deal with whatevor blight shes got